About us

SynTheCis, an ISO 9001-2015 certified Institution which believes in the fact that it is the responsibility of every human being to aspire to do something significant to make the world a better place than we found and experienced. We are proud to be a frontrunner in the skill development mission of the Country to create highly skilled professionals required for chemical and allied industries. We are the focal point in providing all the quality analytical solutions through Collaboration & Commitment. An organization with a team of highly skilled and experienced Chemists dedicated to provide accurate and reliable analytical services to wide range of chemical industries. We have a strong commitment to scientific excellence and are constantly updating our knowledge and expertise to provide the highest quality analytical solutions.

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We always try to be honest and transparent in our actions & Interactions. Our Culture involves creating an environment that values Honesty, Openness & Diversity and encourages individuals to express themselves authentically.

Commitment & Compliance

We are focused and committed to be responsible and accountable for our actions and taking necessary steps to ensure that those actions are in accordance with established laws, regulations, policies, methods & Standards.


We believe that without Integrity & Honesty no real success is possible. We build Trust on our values & principles that are reliable & consistent. With our Integrity policies Customers tend to fall satisfied & fulfilled in our services.


We are always focused, determined and dedicated in our professional goals and are always motivated by the sense of clarity in purpose and strength of adaptability.

Social Responsibility

We build our organization on the strong foundation of ideas that individuals and organizations have a duty to act in ways that benefit society as a whole. It involves considering the impact of our actions on the well-being of others and the environment, and taking steps to minimize any negative consequences.


In a world of Climate changes, looming challenges and increasingly limited resources Sustainable development is the only way to meet our own needs without jeopardizing Future generation’s ability to do the same. It involves balancing economic, social, and environmental factors to ensure long-term viability and resilience.
